Monday, January 26, 2009

Whitney's Birthday!

Yesterday was my 22nd birthday! We spent the day going to church and then over to my parents. Instead of cake we had my grandmas famous Banana Cream Pie! I usually have this for my birthday every year! It is amazing! Thank you mom for making dinner for us and every else you did! My great grandma Prophet came over so we took a 5 generation picture. Also here are some other pictures we took yesterday!

My sister Reigan and cousin Mercedes!


Jessica F said...

SOO cute!! Love the family pictures:)
That little guy is just adorable!
Hope you had a great b-day:)


Cody and Jill said...

hope you had a great day your family looks so good.

cecily said...

Cute little family! Happy Birthday! The big 22! I hope to see you and your little guy sometime soon!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Whit!

kdklingler said...

my new newphew is the cutest aunt kendra