I dont know if anyone remembers but I was planning on running a 5k in May but it continued to get canceled throughout the summer until today! At the first of the week I was told it was going to be Saturday. I felt a little nervous to do it because I had stopped running about 2-3 weeks ago to start another workout called p90x but I decided to just do it! So today I did it! This is the first 5k I have every done and I wont lie it was HARD but very worth it in the end! I still do not know how people every make it past a 5k!
Congrats on the 5K! You are amazing to run that. I did peaches this year as well! They are lots of work but way nice to have!
way to go girl you look great!!
Congrats girl!!! So proud of ya!
go whitney go!! i signed up for a marathon once and then weenied out! i am going to try and be ready for one in the spring. not sure which one, hopefully there is one! i need to get my butt back in shape...literally!
WOOHOO!! I'm so happy for you! We talked about you doing one for a while! I'm glad you did it!
Way to go Whit! That is so awesome! I need your motiviation! Good Job! And you look great!
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