Saturday, August 21, 2010


So we are finally here! We have been here for about 2 weeks and we finally feel settled in and very happy to be here! Jaxton has adjusted well and has been busy playing with his cousins and some of his old friends. I cant believe how old he is getting or I guess acting; he is still little. We put him in a toddler bed as soon as we got here and he is doing really good with that. I probably wont put any pictures of our apartment just cuz I feel a little uncomfortable doing it for some reason but I love where we are. It feels a little bigger and the style is totally different then our apartment in Rexburg. After what we lived in last time we were here i guess anything would be better. :) Jace is loving work and trying to enjoy his time off until he starts school here in September. We hear that it is a very demanding program so I am preparing myself now to be independent and let Jace spend as much time as he needs to study. He will also be working 20 hours a week so he will be overwhelmingly busy! I am loving staying home with Jaxton and also visitng with my old friends that I haven't seen since last time we were here. Life is good for the Briggs family and we feel very blessed!

Before we headed to Colorado we lived with Jace's mom and stepdad for a couple weeks and because we knew we were leaving soon we spent alot of time with family.  Here some pictures of the family!

Just relaxing while watching some baseball.

Bradley said "Whitney take a picture of me doing this!" Not bad Bradley!
We think we are funny! 

Caught Deanne in the act. We always tease Deanne that she is always wiping the grandkids noses. The picture is blurry because I was trying to hurry and take the picture before she finished.

Jaxton loves being with "Bradwee, Mase,  & Bwendon"

We definitely miss all of our family back in Idaho!

We were exhausted by the time we got to Colorado! 

Jaxton sleeping in his big bed!


Kurt and Lynlee said...

Welcome back to Colorado! If you need anything Kurt and I are just a few miles away : )

Majstorovics said...

Why are you going private? my address if you dont have it is I miss you tons. I just got my hair trimmed today and it made me miss you.